ParkerView Dashboards
arkerView‐Dashboard is a custom designed web based monitoring system for boiler systems and other mechanical devices. It is a perfect addition to our ParkerView Lead Lag panels. Through a modem, or proper internet connection, we are able to display online system data including trending of the equipment, temperature, pressure, firing rate, burner status, etc.
How does it work?
The ParkerView Dashboard transfers the boiler system information from ParkerView Lead Lag (PV-LL) panel directly to the parker webpage ( through a cellular modem.
Main Function
The dashboard’s functionality is mainly used for monitoring the boiler system; It can display and trend the system enable/disable, setpoint (temperature/pressure), system temperature/pressure, outside air temperature, boiler firing rate, burner status, pump status, etc. Customers can also have the ability to control basic functions remotely such as enable/disable the system and change of setpoint through the webpage.
Other Features
Another great feature of ParkerView-Dashboard is alarm system monitoring and notifications. Alarm log will store the history of alarms for the time period of two weeks. The alarm notifications can be sent via email or text messages to Up to three contacts. (Note: Customized alarms are provided upon request.)