The Founder, Sid E. Parker, designed the first Parker Boiler, bearing his name. Sid E. Danenhauer joined his uncle in California as a partner in the Parker Boiler Company. Together, they made Parker Boiler into an Industry leader. Sid E. Danenhauer was born in 1916 in the small mining town of Clifton, Arizona. After an outstanding high school career he attended the University of Arizona on a full track scholarship. He participated in the US Olympic track and field trials in Los Angeles until an injury forced his withdrawal. Two years after graduating with a degree in business he joined Parker Boiler.
Sid E. Danenhauer was president and was elected chairman of the board. He served in this capacity until a week before his death in 1996. Under his leadership, Parker Boiler has become a multi-million dollar corporation and is recognized as an Industry pioneer and leader. Sid E. Danenhauer helped develop the original Water Tube Steam Boiler, the famous Parker H-Drum Boiler, and the new Low NOx Boilers.


VP of Engineering