Never A Compromise For Quality or Safety
P arker offers a variety of products to accompany our boilers and heaters. Our automatic surface blowdown systems reduce maintenance and chemical usage. All of our boilers and heaters can come equipped with draft hoods or barometric dampers, With our automatic compound feeder a boiler can be ran more efficiently and economically.
Automatic Blowdown Systems, Control Panels, Blowdown Tanks, Blowdown Cooling Assembly, Venting, Water Softeners, Parker Tanks and Heat Exchangers, Other Accessories
Parker Boiler Tanks
ASME Construction
Storage, Expansion, Air Separation, Distribution
For Water, Glycol Mixtures or Thermal Fluids
Parker Tanks
For more than 50 years, Parker has manufactured a quality line of Tanks and Heat Exchangers for all types of volume water heating applications. The tanks are commonly used for water storage or thermal expansion and air separation in circulating systems or as distribution tanks for thermal fluid systems.
Tank Features:
- All Parker Tanks are manufactured in accordance with the ASME unfired pressure vessel code and registered with the National Board of Boiler & Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
- Standard paint is an attractive and durable protective enamel finish.
- Special guaranteed internal tank linings available at nominal cost.
- Wide range of sizes to standard specifications or special design.
- Available as vertical or horizontal type. Legs standard on vertical tanks.
- Air Separators for water systems are available in threaded or flanged connections.
- Thermal Fluid distribution systems are available for two pump thermal systems.
- Manhole is optional unless diameter of tank is 42” or larger and/or is cement lined.
Blowoff Tanks
For Parker Steam Boilers 1-1/2 to 150HP
The Parker Blowoff Tank is a high quality, heavy-duty tank properly designed with adequate volume to provide a safe and effective blowoff which is necessary for flushing steam boilers. All tanks have been tested for the sizes of Parker Boilers listed and approved by the Manufacturer for safe and proper blowoff. The Parker Blowoff Tank is recommended with all steam boilers. It is required by most local inspection jurisdictions. Tank Advantages:
- Safe Blowoff
- Non-Restrictive
- Special Drain Fitting
- Blowoff Cooiling Assembly (optional)
- Heavy Internal Baffle
- Heavy Construction
- Easily Cleaned
- Compact & Attractive
- Codes
Tank Codes
All tanks are manufactured and furnished in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code and American National Standard, ANSI/ASME BVP-VIII-1. Inspection and registration are with The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Blowoff Tanks also comply with the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials’ Uniform Plumbing Code.
Parker Boiler Control Panels
For All Boilers
Parker Boiler Control Panels
All Parker Boilers are furnished with a heavy duty, hinged door BOILER CONTROL PANEL BOX to enclose the boiler controls and electrical wiring. Each panel is wired with an Electrical Color Code System to simplify field installation and maintenance by permitting the rapid identification of various control circuits.
Parker Panel Advantages:
- Constructed with heavy duty steel and hinged door for durability and safety. Attractive gray enamel finish.
- Panel door opens fully to readily expose entire inside of control panel. This creates total access to service controls with easy to trace color coded wiring.
- Complete with all wiring and controls. Wiring diagram and wiring color code chart are mounted on the inside panel or in a jacket inside the panel door.
- Factory tested for quality and safety.
- Controls mounted in cooler area assures long life and reliable service.
- Electrical knock outs conveniently located on all sides of the panel box.
- Door interlock furnished on any panels containing adjustable controls.
- Boiler Control Switch for convenience in turning off boiler controls circuit and Main Burner Switch for separate control of burner are standard on all panels. Other switches are available as an option on some models such as High/Low Fire, Chemical Feeder, Hand Off Auto, etc. The main burner switch acts as the alarm silencing switch on all boilers with alarms.
- Individual Electrical components are approved by Underwriters Laboratories.
- ETL listed custom lead lag and pump control panels available.
Standard Paker-Lite Sequence Indicator Systems
The PARKER-LITE SEQUENCE INDICATOR CONTROL SYSTEM features a multi-light indicator system whereby the operator can tell at a glance the exact operating stage of the boiler and immediately assess or isolate the cause of a failure. The panel and control system are expertly designed to offer a truly superior control panel and sequence indicator system operation. The Parker-Lite Sequence Indicator System is furnished standard on steam boilers 30 HP or larger and all boilers over 2.5 MM BTU. It is also furnished standard with FM trim and can be ordered on other models for a small additional cost.
The boiler safety controls shut off the main burner with any failure and the indicator light turns off so the operator immediately knows where the failure has occurred. Because all lights are lit during normal operations burned out lights can be quickly spotted and replaced.
Fiberglass Automatic Water Softener
45,00-750,000 Grains Softening Capacity
Automatic Water Softener
The Parker Automatic Water Softener gives you the best in quality equipment to soften water most efficiently at reduced Operating Cost. You can place complete confidence in Parker. For over 50 years, Parker has manufactured Softeners widely used in laundries, hospitals, institutions, schools, hotels, apartments, restaurants, dairies and industrial plants. Each model Softener has been properly engineered and designed to assure the best in quality and to furnish soft water by the most efficient and economical method known. Constant research, development and proven satisfaction makes the Parker name synonymous with quality.
Water Softener Advantages:
- Reliable Control Valve
- Safe Low Voltage Controls
- Resin
- Distributor
- Brine Tank
Control Valves
These softeners include a top mounted solid brass valve with a fully adjustable 5-cycle control for controlled upflow back wash, downflow brining, slow rinse, rapid rinse, timed brine refill and downflow service. The valve features time proven hydraulically balanced pistons to pilot service flow and regeneration. Models standardly include a built-in 12-day Time Clock. This valve brings great performance and versatility to commercial and industrial water softening applications.
Barometric Dampers
For Parker Boilers
With the Field Barometric Damper, barometric pressure opens the gate and all draft, except the minimum needed to carry flue gases up the stack, is checked by the action of the draft control. The swinging gate is under the control of a counterweight, thereby, maintaining the desired draft for best combustion. In normal operation, the gate will usually swing back and forth in the inward position approximately one-third its normal travel. In the event of up-draft, the gate opens inward to admit dilution air so that the normal draft through the boiler is not interrupted. When the draft is weak, the gate stays closed because the differential pressure is too small to move it, and the entire stack draft is placed at the service of the burner.
- Versatile (Available On:)
- Power Gas, Gas/Oil or Oilf Fired Boilers
- Gas Fired Steam Boilers 70HP and Larger
- Applications Requiring Damper.
- Approved Applications Requiring Smaller Size Stacks.
- Low Initial Cost
- Low Installation Costs
Heat Reclaimers
For Parker Boilers
General Description & Applications
The Parker Boiler Heat Reclaimer is a device designed to reclaim heat in the form of additional hot water from exhaust stacks of gas and oil burning appliances. On Parker Steam & Hot Water Boilers and Indirect Fired Heaters it is inserted in the vent stack between the boiler and the draft hood or barometric damper. The concept and use of a stack economizer or heat reclaim device dates from the turn of the century and should be considered on installations requiring additional hot water and increased boiler plant efficiency. As fuel bills continue to rise, the installation of a Parker Heat Reclaim device should be evaluated. The device can raise the net boiler efficiency and also increase bottom line profitability by more fully utilizing the energy already paid for. Typical savings range from 6-10%. There is a wide variety of ways to install the heat reclaimer, some utilizing hot water storage tanks or pressurized boiler feed tanks. Refer to recommended installation drawing INST-122-HR.
Reclaimer System:
- Paker Stainless Steel Heat Relcaimer Coil
- Stack Adapters (if required)
- Stainless Steel Housing w/ Hinged Access Panel(s)
- Iron Fitted or Bronze Circulating Pump
- Bronze Balancing Valve
- Two Stack Temperature Gauges
- Limit Control (pump controller)
- Temperature & Pressure Relief Valve
- Check Valve
Title | Categories | Update Date | Download |
Automatic Water Softener Brochure 1 file(s) 949 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Brochures, ENG - 301 | November 6, 2018 | Download |
Blowoff Tanks Brochure 1 file(s) 1089 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Brochures, ENG - 106-199 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Control Panel Brochure 1 file(s) 491 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Brochures, ENG - Codes and Standards | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Storage, Expansion, Air Separation, Distribution Tank Brochure 1 file(s) 496 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Brochures, ENG - 500-514 | June 18, 2020 | Download |
Title | Categories | Update Date | Download |
Automatic Compound Feeder Bulletin and Spec Sheet 1 file(s) 705 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Bulletins, Boiler Accessories Spec Sheets, ENG - 106-199 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Automatic Compound Feeder With Adjustable Pump Bulletin and Spec Sheet 1 file(s) 610 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Bulletins, Boiler Accessories Spec Sheets, ENG - 106-199 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Heat Reclaimer Bulletin and Spec Sheet 1 file(s) 647 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Bulletins, Boiler Accessories Spec Sheets, ENG - 106-199 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Parker Tank Spec Sheet 1 file(s) 645 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Spec Sheets, ENG - 500-514 | November 6, 2018 | Download |
Vertical and Horizontal Tee Spec Sheet 1 file(s) 231 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Spec Sheets | March 31, 2017 | Download |
Title | Categories | Update Date | Download |
Automatic Blowdown Instructions – Steam Boilers (30-50HP) 1 file(s) 597 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Manuals, ENG - 104 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Automatic Blowdown Instructions – Steam Boilers (7-25HP) 1 file(s) 522 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Manuals, ENG - 103 | November 5, 2018 | Download |
Automatic Blowdown Instructions – Steam Boilers (70-150HP) 1 file(s) 584 downloads |
Boiler Accessories Manuals, ENG - 105 | November 5, 2018 | Download |