Bunker Hill Tower, Los Angeles, CA.
January 2022 marked a deadline to turn off the Los Angeles Downtown Central Plant High Temperature (400°F), High Pressure (300 PSI) Hot Water Boilers providing heat to Bunker Hill Tower, a Los Angeles 34 story Condominium Building. The design challenge was presented to Porter Boiler Service located in (Signal Hill, California), AG Engineers and Parker Boiler. The solution entailed the use of (3) Parker T1995L, 1,995,000 BTU Boilers, 300 PSI & 400°F, a Parker 327 Gallon Expansion Tank with Level Control System, High Temperature Pumps, Parker View Control System, Parker Pump Control Panels & Flow Meter. A room pressurization control & draft inducing system were provided by Enervex. Porter Boiler’s installation blended all systems components together & the system was put on line December 2021. Tie-ins were made to the building’s Existing Piping, Heat Exchangers & Hot Water Storage Tanks and the system is operating providing reliable heat for the building.
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