Newsletter 2018/2019

McGuff Pharmaceuticals, Santa Ana, CA

Shown above are two Parker 150HP Low NOx High-Pressure Steam Boilers, provided for McGuff Pharmaceuticals in Santa Ana California.

These boilers are Ultra Low NOx and provide steam for McGuff’s new processing facility. McGuff has been a customer of Parker Boiler for a number of years as they started off in 2002 with two Parker 9.5 HP steam boilers and have obviously grown.

This particular system includes two 150HP Low NOx steam boilers with Automatic Blowdown, a Parker View Lead Lag System, Deaerator, Surge Tank, Blowoff Tank, and a pony 9.5HP Low NOx Steam Boiler to keep the boiler system warm during lower usage periods.

Integrated Project Services purchased these boilers and managed the construction, the installation was done by Pacific Rim Mechanical.

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Pictured above is a skid mounted Parker T2970 Hot Water Boiler with a ParkerView Lead Lag Control Panel.

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