Packard Humanities Film Archive
In 2012 Parker Boiler provided and started up three (3) TC600L High Efficiency Condensing Boilers for this 150 million-dollar facility dedicated to film preservation. These boilers, with inputs of 2,000 MBTU each, are precerticied for compliance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Rule 1146.2 and Parker Boiler guarantees compliance with the required 20 ppm NOx and 400 ppm CO (corrected to 3% O2) emission levels. No SCAQMD permits, source testing, or monitoring were required. The owner’s only involvement with the SCAQMD is a minimal fee for their Rule 222 filing. The ultra-high efficiency condensing type Parker Boilers provide heat for the very temperature sensitive environment needed to house these cinematic treasures.
Pictured above is the Laundry Facility operated by the Kalispel Indian Tribe, sold by Rick Hall at Western State Design. It is the largest healthcare laundry in Eastern Washington, using a pair of Parker Boiler 90HP 150 PSI Steam Boilers. They built a new healthcare laundry from the ground up. A new Milnor plus flow 150 lb. 8 pocket tunnel as well as several smaller pocket washers were installed at the facility, which use tempered water, hot water and direct steam injection. The Pulse Tunnel saves on water and utilities by using less than .6 gallons of water per lb of laundry, while the old system demanded 2.5 gallons. They needed steam for the CBW, ironers, steam tunnel, and they wanted redundancy in case one went down. Curtis Bash operates the laundry which does thousands of pounds per day for all the hospitals and other healthcare facilities in the region.
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