Parker Designed Tray &
Spray Feedwater Deaerator
CO2 Removal to virtually zero
We have designed our Parker Deaerator design has been shown to reduce the residual oxygen level in make-up water to below 7ppb or .005cc per liter, CO2 is virtually zero.
The unit provides a complete packaged assembly for easy field installation.
The Parker Deaerator incorporates a number of features, which make it unique on the market, more modern, with fewer moving parts, simpler and easier to operate.

Key Features & Advantages
The Parker Deaerator incorporates a number of features, which make it unique on the market, more modern, with fewer moving parts, simpler and easier to operate.
Capacities from 3,500 - 51,750 lbs/hr
Oxygen Removal to .005 cc/l (7ppb)
CO2 Removal to virtually 0
Manholes For Inspection
Manholes come standard on all Parker Deaerator tanks larger than 42in in diameter making inspection easier.
Heavy Duty Pumps
Parker Deaerators come fully assembled and pre-piped with with heavy duty-multi stage vertical pumps with 250°F seals.
Control Panel
Deaerators come furnished with a NEMA rated control panel.
A Closer Look Inside
Deaeration Technology
Deaeration is the process of removing the dissolved oxygen from the boiler feed water. Additionally, in the deaeration process the CO2 is also removed. Removal of these two gases is important in boiler feed water as both of these gases promote corrosion in the boiler or steam system. An additional benefit of a deaerator is the conservation of flash steam in systems with large amounts of condensate return. This can result in substantial energy savings of up to 14%.
Why Deaerate?
Deaeration of boiler feedwater not only removes oxygen and carbon dioxide; it also improves heat transfer and saves energy.
The five primary reasons for including a deaerator as part of the boiler/steam/condensate cycle: Oxygen Removal, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Basis For Improved Operation, Improved Heat Transfer and Energy Savings.

Custom Deaerators Built For You,
Designed For Your Needs
Up to 1,870 Gallon Capacity
The necessity of deaerating boiler feedwater has become so recognized that even small plants can now be assured of longer equipment life, reduced pipeline and equipment replacement costs and overall maintenance by using some type of deaeration. The initial cost of deaeration is a small price to pay for the piece of mind afforded by its inclusion in your boiler plant's operation..
Deaeration is an essential factor in the efficient and economical operation of any modern boiler plant.

Heavy Duty Insulation - (OPTION)

Heavy duty VERTICAL pumps

More Advantages To Owning A Parker Deaerator
• Reduced Boiler & System Corrosion
• Electronic Water Level & Pressure Control (No Mechanical Floats)
• Reduced Energy Cost of up to 14%
• Quick Start Scrubber Design
• ASME Code Vessel Construction
• Reduced Chemical Cost
• Standard 10 Minutes of Storage Capacity
• Complete Packed Units
• Heavy Duty Stand
• Complete Line of Pump & Control Package Available
• Easy Access
• Manhole For Inspection